
出来ることはやったつもり 休んでも回復しないこともあると前向きに捉えするべきことではないことに取り組むことに思考と行動をチェンジしていき後悔をする時間をなるべく作っていかないことで出来なかったことが可能に 体力と年齢を意識的に考え日々のActionの中に取り入れていくことで糸のように長く動き続けられる身体を作っていくことになるから 動き考えるべきことはまだまだ山のように/I think I did what I could do. By taking a positive view that even if you rest, you may not recover, and by changing your thoughts and actions to work on things you shouldn’t, and by avoiding time for regrets, you will be able to do things you couldn’t. By consciously considering your physical strength and age, and incorporating them into your daily actions, you will be able to keep moving like a thread for a long time. We will build a body that can keep moving for as long as a thread. There are still many things to think about!

