
何がマイナスの源なのか 荒波のように崩れたリズムから綺麗に上がってくる神々しい朝日を迎えるためには定型から外れてなるべく物事を忘れている努力をと思いながらも無意識に抗うように気がつけばクリエイティブして 考える事が息をするように無意識に出来てしまっていることの良いこととその弊害の狭間でどう動いていくかと頭を抱え込みながらも創造して 1日の中で出来ることを/What is the source of the negative? In order to greet the divine sunrise that rises beautifully from the rhythm that has broken down like a stormy wave, we have to make an effort to deviate from the routine and forget things as much as possible, but we find ourselves creatively resisting our unconsciousness, and between the good and the bad of being able to think unconsciously as if we were breathing, we have to be creative. I’m trying to think about how to move forward, but I’m also trying to be creative. I’m trying to do what I can in a day.

