- 当たり前のことが当たり前ではない 世界からすれば培ってきた経験や知識は石ころのように小さく数多く存在している中の一つであると疑いのレンズで見る癖をつけていけば見るもの全てが新しくて生きる過程で大切な栄養へと変わる 我を通すべきところと豆腐のように柔らかくいられるようにする力を持ち続ければ成長のテッペンは無くどこまでも大きく優しい人間へと変われるから まだまだ行けるはず/What is taken for granted is not the norm. If you get into the habit of looking at everything you see through the lens of doubt, that your experience and knowledge are as small as a pebble and as numerous as the world itself, everything you see will become new and important nourishment for the process of living. If you keep the power to be soft like tofu, there is no top, and you can change into a bigger and gentler person. You can still go there.
- 地味で黙々と向き合う中で 適度な娯楽とクリエイティブの間を行き来する中で辿り着きたい場所がある限りは一文字でも多く書き進めることに時間と体力を使っていくことが先の道を切り開いていくことにつながっていくから 課せられたものではなく自ら決めたことだからこそコントロールを慎重にして限られた中でどこまで向き合っていけるのかを毎日のように繰り返していき もっと憑依できるようにしていくことが/In a sober and silent confrontation As long as there is a place that I want to reach while moving between moderate entertainment and creativity, using my time and energy to write as many letters as possible will lead me to the road ahead. Because it is something that I have decided to do myself, not something that is assigned to me, I will carefully control it, and within a limited time frame, I will see how far I can take it. We have to be careful to control it, because it is not something that is imposed on us, but something that we have decided on our own. To be able to possess more and more is the most important thing.