- 短時間でも向き合って 季節ならではの苦しさや辛さを抱えながらも上手くテクノロジーを駆使して少しでも楽な状態に意識的にもっていくことと声を出すことで辛さや苦しさをほんのわずかでも無くしていき行動へ変えていく そぐわない状況や人間関係に無理をして合わせるより気楽にいられる状況や人間関係の中に自分を置いて行動やクリエイティブの時間を増やしていけるように ここぞという時までに/Face it, even if only for a short time. To use technology to help you to consciously put yourself in a state of ease and to speak out, even if it is only for a short time, even though you are experiencing seasonal pain and suffering. To increase our time for action and creativity by putting ourselves in situations and relationships that we are comfortable with rather than forcing ourselves to fit into situations and relationships that don’t suit us. By the time the moment is right
- 自分の作品にココロを 簡単に出来上がるものでは無いからこそ時間と愛をそこに注ぎ込んでいき時には一歩も進まなくてもそこから何かしらのヒントが降りて来てアイディアへと変わっていきはっきりとした輪郭へと 勢いよく進める時とゆっくりと考えながら行動する時のバランスをうまく保ちながらも面白さというエッセンスは必ず加えていくことで想像以上のものへと化けていくと ゼロよりはイチを確実に/Put your heart into your work. It is not an easy thing to create, which is why you have to put time and love into it, and even if you don’t make any progress at times, some hints will come down from there and turn into an idea, and then you will be able to create a clear outline. I believe that the essence of “fun” can be added to a project to make it into something more than you can imagine. One is better than zero.