- 知らないうちに蓄積されて まだいける!と思っていたらカラダがシグナルを出していることに素直になって緊急停止を選択することで失うものとそこからの一歩を天秤にかけてどちらがこれからにとって重要なのかを きっとまたチャンスが訪れるからとその時までに話せるネタをひとつでも多く蓄えて大きく成長していけるように今は止まることがActionだと言い聞かせることで 悔しさを力へと/It accumulates without your knowledge. I can still do it! By choosing an emergency stop, you can weigh what you can lose and what you can take from there, and decide which is more important for the future. You will have another chance, and by then you will have as much material as possible to talk about so that you can grow and develop. By reminding ourselves that stopping now is Action. Turn your frustration into strength.
- 心だけでも 期待していたよりもハイクオリティのモノを目の前にし存在しているこの地球の不思議さや儚さに触れられたような感覚に陥ってきっと何かしらのアイデアへ転換できるのではないかとワクワクして きっと現在もあと1億年後にはほんの一瞬の出来事として語り継がれていく中のひとつにすぎないのではと想像とそこにほんの僅かでも自分という存在を残すために 未来を見て現在を生きる/Even if it’s only in your mind. I was thrilled to see something of a higher quality than I had expected, and I felt as if I had been touched by the wonder and fragility of the earth, and I was sure that I could turn it into some kind of idea. I imagine that 100 million years from now, the present will be just one of the fleeting moments that will be passed down to the next generation, and in order to leave even the smallest part of my existence there Live in the present with an eye on the future