- 表しては考えて 快適な環境を作ることと引き換えに向き合うべきものとしっかりと対峙することで考えやストーリーを文字として残していくことをちょっとでも積み重ねていくことの中から楽しみや辛さの先を 限りある時間と体力の中で目一杯力を出すことと考えることをバランスよく行っていく先にあるものを明確に見ることを目標にして今日できることだけをコツコツと この繰り返しを保って/Representing and Thinking In exchange for creating a comfortable environment, we must confront the things we need to face and leave our thoughts and stories in writing, even if only a little. The goal is to see clearly what you can do today, and to do only what you can do today. Maintaining this repetition
- 少しずつで 過ぎてしまったことを悔やむより出来ることをコツコツと進めていくしかないと言い聞かせて呪縛に憑かれたかのようにスクリーンと睨めっこして頭をグルグルと回転させていく中で感じることを 何がそうさせてどこへ向かっているのかをしっかりと考えて進んでいくことで我を見失わずに強く立っていられ学ぶことを続けてアウトプットと同じ分量を まだ出来ると/Little by little. I tell myself that I have to keep doing what I can do rather than regretting what has passed, and as I stare at the screen as if possessed by a spell, my mind whirls around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around, I think about what makes me do it and where I am going and keep going so I don’t lose my mind and I don’t lose my self. I can stand strong and continue to learn and do the same amount of output. That I can still do it.