- アイドリングがてらに 少しずつ行動的な姿を取り戻していけるように焦らずゆっくりと空を見上げながらもやるべきことをこなしつつ心に余裕を持ちながらも意識するところは外さずにしっかりと抑えながらも楽しく 上手くいかないことばかりに目を向けずセルフマネジメントをこなしながらゴールへ向かって一歩ずつ歩んでいく自分の姿を俯瞰的にいつでも見れるようにしていられれば まずは今日が無事にと/I’m just idling away. I hope I can regain my active figure little by little, slowly and unhurriedly looking up at the sky and doing what I need to do, while keeping a relaxed mind, keeping my awareness firmly in check, and enjoying myself, while not focusing only on what is not going well and doing self-management to reach my goal step by step. I hope that I can always see myself step by step toward the goal with a bird’s eye view, without focusing only on the things that are not going well. First of all, I hope that today will be a safe day.
- いつか来る“その日”まで 想定外の出来事にいつでも対応できるようにたくさんの情報収集といろいろなことの準備をゆっくりと行なっていくことが未来の自分への投資と繋がっていつでも元気よく活動やActionし続けるように 自分やそこに関わってくれている人を含め次の時代を担う人にとってもハッピーなシーンを作っていくことも表現者としての役割であると言い聞かせ 楽しいだけが全てではない/Until “that day” comes I believe that it is my role as an artist to gather a lot of information and prepare for unexpected events slowly so that I can always be ready to respond to them, and to invest in my future self so that I can continue to be active and act with energy. I believe that it is my role as an expressive person to create a happy scene for the next generation, including myself and those who are involved in my work. Fun is not everything.