- 危ない!と感じながら 休めばいいのにと自分に言い聞かせながらも霊に取り憑かれたかの様に崩れている文章をカタカタと整えながら届けたい想いがしっかりと伝わるように直しながら一歩ずつコツコツと重ねていく カラダから悲鳴が上がってもやるべきことに向き合っていれば麻痺して前へ進んでいくチカラへ変えて目指しているカタチを作っていき次なる課題へと タスクは山の様に/Dangerous! I thought to myself, “Why don’t you just take a break? I tell myself that I should take a break, but as if possessed by a spirit, I keep shaping the crumbling sentences, fixing them so that the thoughts I want to deliver are conveyed, step by step, step by step. Even when my body screams, if I face what I need to do, I become paralyzed and my strength is transformed into the power to move forward. We will change and create the shape that we are aiming for, and move on to the next task. Tasks are like a mountain
- 7分の1の休み 意識的に何もしない時間と空間を作る事でたくさん溜まった記憶を綺麗に整理していくことで次のクリエイティブタイムでハイパフォーマンスを引き出していき100%に近いモノを作り上げるために 同じような繰り返しの中でも投げやりにならずにライトのように心をピカピカに輝かせながらまだ見ぬ景色をこの目で確かめていくことへ一歩ずつ進んでいき 取りこぼさずに作品へ/One-seventh rest By consciously creating a time and space to do nothing, I can clean out a lot of accumulated memories and bring out high performance in the next creative time to create something close to 100%. I will continue to move forward step by step to see with my own eyes the scenery that I have not seen yet, without missing anything. To the work without missing anything