
まずは流れを身体に 自ら決めたことをやりながらも伸びしろを作っていくことに意識しながら1日を大切にしていけばほんの少しでも成長して半年後には違った考えや気持ちを持てる自分でいられる様にと コトバやキモチが水の様に溢れ出てくるのをこぼれない様に制御しながら目指している場所に向かって近づいていくことを意識していれば行動も習慣もそこに近づいていくと できることから/First of all, you have to get the flow in your body. If we cherish each day with an awareness of the room for growth while doing what we have decided to do, we can grow, even if only a little, so that six months from now we will be able to think and feel differently, and we can control the overflow of words and feelings like water, so that they do not spill out, toward the place we are aiming for. If you are conscious of getting closer, your actions and habits will also get closer to where you want to be. From what you can do

