
甘さでスッキリと 束の間の休息といつもと違う景色を求めて群衆の中を歩みながら美味しいコーヒーを飲みながら次は何をしようかと考えている己がそこにいる事と休息を楽しんでいる己がいる中で満足感を お金を使わなくても楽しめる身体になっていることを喜びながらスクリーンに映った情報や聞こえてくる音からまた新しい刺激を受けてまた作品と活動を進めていくことへ 偶にだからこそ/Sweet and refreshing. I am there, enjoying a good cup of coffee and thinking about what to do next, while walking through the crowd in search of a momentary rest and a different view, and I am there enjoying the rest. I am happy that I have a body that I can enjoy without spending money, and I am happy that the information I see on the screen and the sounds I hear are stimulating me to work and work again. I am happy that I have a body that I can enjoy without having to spend money, and I get new stimulation from the information on the screen and the sounds that I hear. Even so, that is why

