- 己を疑うことを アイデンティティが他の人たちとズレていることに納得して進むのか寄り添って理解することに力や頭を使っていくのかをどこかで常に疑いながら確認の繰り返しの中で成長へと繋げていけば 譲れるモノとそうではないモノをしっかりと決めておくことでコミュニケーションエラーが起きても怒りや憤りへと変わらずに受け止めていけるのだと理解しながら 柔軟になればと/Doubt yourself. If we can grow through the repetition of confirmations, always doubting whether we are going to move forward with acceptance that our identity is out of alignment with that of others, or whether we are going to use our strength and mind to lean on and understand them, we can make a clear decision about what is acceptable and what is not, so that when communication errors occur, we can accept them without changing into anger or resentment. I hope to be flexible, understanding that we can accept communication errors without turning them into anger or resentment. I hope to be flexible.
- アタマの中が止まらず 休暇日と決めてもずっとグルグルとクリエイティブに関することやこれからのことが浮かんでは消えてまた次のことがの繰り返しの中でモヤっとイラっとした気持ちをどこに落としていけばと 動き続けることに楽しさを感じてしまった時点で倒れるまで何かに向き合い続けることが続いていくのかと考えるとシアワセと同時に少しの苦しさと孤独感が心を それ以外の居場所はないと/I can’t stop thinking about it. Even if I decide to take a vacation day, I keep thinking about creative things and the future, and then they disappear and the next thing comes up again, and I wonder where to put my frustration and annoyance. I feel that I am happy to keep moving, and I keep facing something until I collapse. I feel sheer happiness, but at the same time a little bit of bitterness and loneliness in my heart. I felt that there was no other place for me.