- 次への可能性 直接会って話す事でイメージしている何倍ものことが広がっていくその先に新たな出会いと視野を広く持つことで活動する場を広げて様々な人との繋がりを持っていくことで今までのことが一つに 活動する場は違っても目指している世界や景色が同じであれば共に力を合わせて目指すべき場所へ辿り着くために共に歩みを進めて力を共にすることで新たな化学反応が 楽しみがまたひとつ/Possibilities for the Next Step By meeting and talking with each other in person, we can expand the things we have imagined many times more than we have imagined. By working together to reach our goal, we can create a new chemical reaction. One more thing to look forward to!
- 締めくくりは 最後の最後までやるべきことに対して向き合うことを崩さなければバランスを保ちつつActionやクリエイティブをこれから先もやり続けるために一年に一度はしっかりと身体を休めることを ここからまた新たな気持ちでスタートできるように今までのことを振り返って良かった事と改善すべきことに目を向けていくことが次へとつながる一歩だと大切にしながら 感謝と挑戦心を!/The end of the year is the end of the year. I would like to conclude by saying that if we do not lose focus on what we need to do until the very end, we should take a good physical rest once a year in order to keep the balance and continue to work on Action and Creative in the future. I would like to look back on what has been good and what has not so that we can start again with a fresh mindset. To look back on what has been good and what needs to be improved so that we can start again with a fresh mind, valuing it as a step that will lead us to the next step. Gratitude and a spirit of challenge!