- 思い通りにならなくても 毎日がスムーズで楽しいと思える日ばかりではないからこそそれを求めて一つずつ丁寧にこなしていくんだと言い聞かせながら己が進んでいる道が本当に正しいのかと理解者を増やすためにはと どう転んでも過ぎ去った時間は戻らないからこそ一瞬の判断を的確に間違えることなく決めていける力と修正するための力を持ち合わせ磨き続けていくことが重要だと 今日は今日!/Even if things don’t turn out the way I want them to. I believe that it is important to have the ability to make a decision at a moment’s notice without making a mistake, and to continue to hone it, because time that has passed will not return no matter how things turn out. Therefore, it is important to have the ability to make a decision in the moment without making a mistake and the ability to correct it, and to continue to refine it. Today is today!
- まだいける!と 不条理だと愚痴をこぼす時間があるならばもっと考え試してはの繰り返しをカタチを手にするまで行って悲しい涙ではなく嬉しい涙を流せるように視点を変え視野を広くして様々な方からのアプローチを 施されてきたことを少しでも還元していけるようにこれからの時代を創っていく人へ少しの希望と夢を託して一緒に歩んで周りの心を変えていける様にと 最後の1日まで/I can still go! and If you have time to complain about the absurdity of it all, think and try again and again until you get it right, so that you can shed tears of joy instead of tears of sadness, so that you can change your perspective and broaden your vision, so that you can give back what you have been given from various people’s approaches, even if only a little, to those who will create the future of our time. I entrust a little hope and dream to the people who will create the future, so that we can walk together and change the hearts and minds of those around us. Until the last day