- 一枚の写真から その人となりをレンズの中から写し出してきた証がズラリと並ぶ中でココロがこもった感がこちらにも伝わってくると同時に力をたくさんもらって自分のベースでできることを精一杯やっていこうと ボーダーレスを実際に行動へ移している彼の姿がカッコよく見えて本音をそのまま曝け出すことの良さを見習って素直に手を貸してもらえるようにプライドは捨てると 行動の先に/From a single photograph I felt that I could feel the warmth of his heart as I saw the proof of his personality captured through the lens of his camera, and at the same time, I was empowered to do what I can do on my own basis. I thought it would be cool to see him taking action and exposing his true feelings, and I decided to put aside my pride so that he could honestly lend me a hand. Beyond action
- 久しく会うからこそ 積もる話があるかもだけど多くを語らず近すぎず遠からずの距離感を保つからこそスマイルをたくさん作り出すことができたことだけでもすごく有意義でいつもと違う視点をもつことへと リフレッシュやメンタルケアへも繋がっていくのを感じながら親子だからこそ話せることがあるのだとこの時間が永遠でないことをどこかで寂しく感じながら会えることを大切に 離れたからこそ/It’s because we haven’t seen each other in a while. We may have a lot of things to talk about, but we don’t say too much, and we keep the distance between us not too close and not too far, so we were able to create a lot of smiles, which was very meaningful. I cherish the fact that we can see each other while feeling sad that this time is not forever. It is precisely because we are separated from each other that we are able to talk about things that are important to us.