- 約50日ぶりに 完全体とはまだ程遠くここからが本来の意味での試練と我慢の日々となっていくと再度覚悟を決めて少しずつ目の前の山のように溜まったタスクと向き合う時間を取り戻し巻き返していけるように 焦らずにが少しの間のテーマとして掲げてその下で毎日を大切にしていき精一杯のゲージは前よりも狭くなったとしても動き始めることに意味があると言い聞かせ 高望みせずに/For the first time in about 50 days I am still far from perfect, and I have decided that this is where the trials and endurance really begin, so I am going to take it upon myself again and gradually regain the time to deal with the mountain of tasks that has accumulated in front of me. Even if the gauge is narrower than before, I tell myself that it is meaningful to start moving. Don’t expect too much.
- “焦らず”にを意識して 一度にフルスロットルで動かすよりも三輪車から少しずつ走ることに慣れていく様に少しずつでも的確に前へ進めていけることを意識しながら資本となる身体を壊さない様に綺麗なライフサイクルを 摂りたくないを抑えてでも動き続けられるためにゆっくりとでもペースを崩さずに取り入れていくことで長期間でやりたいことを一つでも多く叶えられるから 欲しいと必要は異なる/Be aware of the importance of “not rushing. Rather than moving at full throttle all at once, we should be aware that we can move forward precisely, little by little, just like getting used to running from a tricycle little by little, and we should be aware of the need to keep moving at a slow but steady pace so that we can keep moving even while suppressing our reluctance to take a clean life cycle to avoid damaging our body, which is our capital. By doing so, we can achieve as many of the things we want to do in the long term as possible. Want and need are different