- ちょっとした所にシアワセが いつもの自分らしさを掴みつつあるなかで頭の中ではいつもと同じようにいろいろな事を考えてさまざまなアイデアやストーリーを一本の紐を作るようにフル回転で多方面な視点から考えていくことを 考える力が低いからこそたくさん考える時間を意識的に作る事で力を大きなものへと成長させていくように 他人は他人で自分は自分であると/Sheer joy in the little places While you are getting a hold of your usual self, in your mind, as usual, think about various things and think about various ideas and stories from various perspectives at full speed as if you were making a string. Let others be others and you be yourself. Let others be others and you be yourself.
- 今日もまた生きていると ゆっくりと心身を休めた分だけエンジンをフルスロットルにして活動やクリエイティブに力を注ぎ込みMy Actionのコンセプトをしっかりとしたカタチへ変えて一人でも多くの人に届けていけるように 心に溜まった泥水のようなイラつきや当てようがない憤りを前進するための力へと変えて笑顔で過ごせるように 外はポカポカ心もポカポカして/Today, I am alive again. I hope that the amount of time I have spent resting my body and mind will allow me to rev up my engine to full throttle and put all my energy into my activities and creativity, so that I can transform the concept of My Action into a solid form and deliver it to as many people as possible. I hope that the frustration and anger like muddy water that has accumulated in my heart will be transformed into the power to move forward and make me smile. I hope to transform the irritability and resentment like muddy water in our hearts into strength to move forward and live with a smile. With a warm heart outside and a warm heart inside