
何を求めているのかを 考えても出てこないものを前にした時にモヤモヤとした何かが僕の中にうずめいて前へ進むことに抵抗するように作用して鉛のように身体もココロもズシっと重くなりそこから中々動き出せず 真っ暗な中でキラリと光を放つ存在になりたいと思いながら今日この瞬間をどう過ごしていくのかを考えながら行動で表していけるように 素なのか演じている自分なのかが分からず/What is it that you are looking for? When I am confronted with something that does not come up even after thinking about it, something vague and blurred is seething inside me, and it acts as if it is resisting me from moving forward, and my body and mind become heavy like lead, and I cannot move from there. I want to be a shining light in the pitch darkness, and I am thinking about how I will spend this moment today. I want to be a shining light in the pitch dark, and I am thinking about how I want to spend this moment today. I don’t know whether I am being myself or not, and I don’t know whether I am acting.

