
変化の中で感じることを 食わず嫌いではなく自分から変化の中から新たに感じ取ることにアンテナを張り巡らすことでさらにココロもハッピーにたくさんActionしていけるかどうかの見極めとサポートしてくれる人の声に イニシアチブをしっかり取っているつもりでも気がついたら操り人形のように引っ張られているのかと常に疑いながら模索する中で見えてくるものから 決めたのは自分だと/What you feel in the midst of change I am always looking for ways to be aware of what I feel in the midst of change, not because I don’t want to eat, but because I want to be aware of what I feel in the midst of change, and I am always looking to see if I can take many actions with a happy heart and mind by keeping my antennae up for new sensations from within the change. I am always wondering if I am being pulled along like a puppet, even though I think I am taking the initiative, and I am always wondering if I am being pulled along like a puppet. I am the one who has made the decision.

