- 形だけでなく 特別何かがあったからではなく一区切りをしっかりとつけるためにココロの中にある感謝の気持ちを伝えることでこれから先においてお互いが今以上に支え合っていける関係性を継続していくことへと 限られた時間をどう上手く使って誰と会うかをより一層意識していくことで活動や作品をさらに多くの人の元へと届けていくことに繋がって新しい試みへと 自分よりも相手を/Not only in a formal way By expressing the gratitude that is in our hearts, not because of something special, but in order to make a firm break, we can continue to support each other even more in the future. By being more conscious of how we use our limited time and who we meet with, we can deliver our activities and works to even more people. By being more conscious of how we use our limited time and who we meet with, we will be able to deliver our activities and works to even more people, leading to new endeavors. Put the other person before yourself.
- 年に一度の機会 いけないこととわかっていながらも本能には逆らえず一年に一度のお祭りだとポジティブに捉えながらも花火のように打ち上げながら溜まったものを消化するように 自分が憧れている人の姿を追いかけると共にそこへ歩み寄るために必要なことは何かと自問自答しながらも等身大の姿を見つめながらできることに向き合いながら 等身大のありのままの姿を問い詰めていきながら/A once-a-year opportunity I know it’s wrong, but I can’t go against my instincts, and while I look at it positively as a once-a-year festival, I try to digest what I’ve accumulated while setting it off like a firework, chasing after the image of the person I admire and asking myself what I need to do to get closer to that person, while asking myself the same questions about my own size.While facing up to what I can do while looking at my own life-size figure, and while questioning my own life-size figure as it is…