- また新しい週が 区切りは人が勝手に作ったもので本来は命が絶えるまでが一周だと思えば止まることも少なくて考えることや作ることを繰り返し行っていくことが生きることだと思いながら少しずつでも進めて 頭がスムーズに動かない原因は理解していながらもそれを上回る動きたいという気持ちと創造力を大切にしながら今は動くトキだと言い聞かせて少ししたら止まると バランスを整えて/Another new week is upon us. I think that the dividing line is something that people have made up on their own, and if I think that it is a round trip until life ceases, then there is little stopping, and I think that thinking and making things over and over again is the way to live, and I move forward little by little. I tell myself that now is the time to move, and after a little while, I stop. Get the balance right.
- コツコツと継続を 改めて何にどういった想いを乗せて届けたいかを己に問いかけてみることに立ち戻ることを心がけてストーリーを書き進めながら思考を止めずに適度にアタマを半分休ませながらもクオリティのことを たくさんいろいろなものに触れて奥底にあるモノからインプットして必要なものだけを吸収して作品や活動にアウトプットすることまでが一連のセットだと 己や仲間のために/Keep at it! While writing the story, I try to go back to asking myself what I want to deliver and how I want to deliver it, and while writing the story, I keep thinking about quality while giving my mind a rest, and while thinking about quality, I try to touch a lot of things, input from the deepest things, and absorb only what is necessary. I think that it is a set of a series of things to absorb what is necessary and output it to the works and activities. for yourself and your friends