
少しずつでもいいから 初めから最高のカタチへは辿り着くことが出来ないからラフ画のように思いつくまま文字たちを並べては見てはを繰り返していく中でパッと出るアイディアを上手く足していくことで輪郭が少しずつ ペースを掴めばこちらのものでイメージをクリエイティブしていく地味で孤独な闘いがまた幕を上げて最後まで走り切ることと納得する作品へと 外の寒さと心の熱さ/Even if it’s just a little bit at a time. I can’t reach the best form from the beginning, so I repeat the process of looking at the letters as they appear in my mind like rough sketches, and by adding the ideas that pop up, I gradually get the outline of the work. Once I get the pace, I can create my own image, and the lonely struggle to keep the work steady and solitary begins again. The curtain rises on a work of art that I am satisfied with and that I will run through to the end. The cold outside and the heat inside

