
焦る気持ちを少しでも ほんのわずかでもいいから向き合うことで前に進むことは確かなことであって大きな一歩でなくても続けることに意味が大きく詰まっていることを忘れずにそこから意義ややりがいを自らの手で 限られた時間の中でやるべきことに優先度をつけていくことで後回しにせずに確実に丁寧なモノを一つずつ作っていくことに繋がって学びと発見を吸収することに やれる時に全てを/Let go of your impatience, even if it’s just a little bit. By facing even the slightest feeling of impatience, it is certain that you will move forward, and even if it is not a big step, remember that there is a great deal of meaning in continuing, and from there, you will find meaning and satisfaction in your own hands. By prioritizing what needs to be done in the limited time you have, you will be sure to create things carefully, without putting things off. By prioritizing what needs to be done in the limited time we have, we are able to learn and discover things one by one without putting them off. Do everything when you can.

