
全てはヤツのせい 集中力と行動力が一気に下がっていくことにイラつきながらも限られた時間の中で出来ることをこなしていくしかないと言い聞かせながらやる気の有無で動くことを選択しない様に心がけて 夢の中に引っ張られることにどれだけ抗ってクリエイティブの時間を多く割くことができるかがどんな季節であっても必要なことであると理解しながらも身体がついていかず 飲んでもあまり作用せず/It’s all his fault. I am annoyed that my ability to concentrate and take action is quickly declining, but I tell myself that I have to do what I can in the limited time I have, and I try not to choose to move based on whether or not I am motivated, and I realize that the only thing that matters is how much I can resist being pulled into my dreams and devote more time to creativity. I understand that this is necessary no matter what the season, but my body just can’t keep up. drinking, but it doesn’t work very well.

