
何がトリガーなのか ダラダラと過ごしたことに後悔しながらも戻ってこない時間に対して向き合うよりも今やこれからをどうしていくかに対して向き合いながら後悔がなく効率的に時間を使って目指している場へ 立ち止まってカラダとココロを楽な状態に意識的に作っていくことで感情的な自分をより少なくしていつでもクリエイティブと向き合っていられる状態をセルフで 食もそのための一部だと/What is the trigger? Rather than facing the time you have spent in idleness with regrets that you will never get back, you can now face the future and use the time efficiently and without regret to get to where you want to be. By stopping and consciously creating a state of ease in your body and mind, you can make yourself less emotionally attached to yourself. By stopping and consciously creating a state of ease in your body and mind, you can reduce your emotional self and be in a state where you can face your creativity at any time. Food is a part of this process.

