
この広くて青い空のように 止まらずともスピードを落としながらも考えながらハッキリとしたものへと輪郭を変えていきながら想いや考えをしっかりと詰め込んでカタチへと変えていけるようにする為にマイペースでもいいのだから いろいろなところへアンテナを張っておくことでそこから様々なものをキャッチしてActionへと変えていき自分のものへとチェンジして いつもと同じような時間が/Like this wide blue sky In order to change the outline into something clear while thinking without stopping, even if it is at my own pace, I need to keep my antennae up to various places so that I can catch various things from there and change them into action. By having antennas in various places, we can catch various things from there, transform them into actions, and change them into our own. The time that is the same as usual

