
さぁ!ここからまた始まっていくよ 活動の原点を新たにカタチに変えて今まで身につけてきたたくさんの経験や力とさまざまな人との出会いの中から見えたものを等身大のパフォーマンスで一人でも多くの人へ届けられるようにと願いながら 迷わずに突き進んでいける力とヒントをまた自分の中に取り入れていくことで強く大きくなっていけるから 頭は冷たく心は熱く行動へ移していけるように/Come on! This is where it all begins again! I hope to change the origin of our activities into a new form and deliver to as many people as possible with a life-size performance of what I have seen from the many experiences, powers and encounters with various people that I have acquired up to now. I will grow stronger and bigger by incorporating the power and hints that will help me to go forward without hesitation. I hope that I will be able to take action with a cool head and a passionate heart.

