書籍 己を革命せよ の表紙が写っているパソコンの前にいる僕

一つの作品を表に 想いと考えを綴ったモノをたくさんの人の手に届ける為に地道なプロモーションとリテイクをこれでもかというぐらい丁寧に繰り返していくことに集中しながらも他のクリエイティブを進めていきながら 終わり!を作らずに常にアタマとカラダを動かし続けていれば気づけないことにも目がいってそこから新たな思考をしていくことで次のクリエイティブへと繋がって 息を吸う様に想像を/A work of art on the front page While concentrating on the steady promotion of the work and the careful repetition of retakes, as many as possible, in order to get the work that expresses our thoughts and ideas into the hands of as many people as possible, we also continue to work on other creative projects! If I keep my mind and body moving, I can see things that I wouldn’t notice, and by thinking about them in a new way, it leads me to the next creative idea, which in turn leads me to the next creative idea. Imagine as if you were taking a breath

