
一定のリズムへと戻す事で 完全に立ち止まらずともクリエイティブを継続できるフィジカルをどうやったら作っていけるかと考えながら必要となっている休息と栄養を意識的に摂る事で早い段階で回復し行動やクリエイティブを続けて 心が完全に折れない状態を作っていければ立ち止まる事なく目標に向かって歩み続けるライフスタイルを確立していけるように ゆっくりと前に進んでいけるように/By returning to a steady rhythm. By thinking about how to build a physical body that can continue to be creative without stopping completely, and by consciously taking the necessary rest and nutrition, we can recover quickly, continue to act and be creative, and create a state of mind that is completely unbreakable, so that we can establish a lifestyle that allows us to keep moving toward our goals without stopping. We will be able to establish a lifestyle that allows us to keep moving forward slowly. So that we can move forward slowly.

