
休みに休んで あともう少しでエネルギーがフル回復する感じを信じて今は大人しくフィジカルとメンタルを抑えつついつものルーティーンを取り戻していくために思考をゆっくりと動かしながら止めないように 文明の進化をうまく使いながらもそこに頼り過ぎないように身体の反応に正直に従いながらもクリエイティブの癖は忘れてしまわないように意識していくことで 過ぎたことを悔やむな/Take a break, get some rest. I trust that in a few more days I will feel the full recovery of my energy, and for now, I will be quiet and keep my physical and mental health in check, while slowly moving my thoughts to get back to my usual routine, and not to stop, while honestly following my physical reactions to make good use of the evolution of civilization and not to rely too much on it. By being aware of our creative habits so that we don’t forget them. Don’t regret what has passed

