
出来ることをコツコツと 青くてどこまでも広がっている下で自分の価値を見つめ直すことでとても小さく無限大の力があると再認識してどこへ進むかとその道をイメージすることでムダがないActionとそこからの結果へと 工夫して減らせる失敗の可能性には時間をかけて丁寧にゆっくりと考えを動かし続けていきながら満足できるクリエイティブをカタチにしていけるように 焦らずにボチボチと/Stick to what you can do. By reevaluating my own value under the blue and endlessly spreading out, I reaffirm that I have a very small and infinite power, and by imagining the path to where I want to go and the results from that path, I can reduce the possibility of failure by devising actions without waste, and by taking time to carefully and slowly keep my thoughts moving. I will continue to move slowly and carefully to reduce the possibility of failure. Don’t be in a hurry, take your time.

