
夢を魅た後は魅せる側に ジャンルは違ったとしてもゴールと目指している場所はほとんど変わらないと信じ自分が持っている力や視点をもったいぶらずにフル活用し共有することでみんなでカタチへと必ず変えていけると やれることと託すことをハッキリと区切ることで力をどこに集中させていくかが見えてくる中で高いパフォーマンスを発揮していけるはずだと 持ってないものを借りる強さを/Once you have enchanted a dream, you become the one who enchants it. I believe that the goal and the place we are aiming for are almost the same even if the genres are different, and that we can surely change them into a form together by fully utilizing and sharing our abilities and perspectives. By clearly separating what we can do and what we are entrusted with, we can see where we should concentrate our efforts. I believe that we will be able to achieve high performance in this environment. The strength to borrow what we don’t have

