
少しずつでも 短い時間であっても取り組まないよりは向き合っていくことで前へ進んでいき塵も積もれば山となるを肌で感じながら短時間でも質が高くなっていけばとポジティブにとらえていくことで タイセツなことはいつもそばにあるのに気が付かず常に追い求めてしまうことをやめなければ何も変わらずシアワセを手にしていることを感じられず追い求め続けて 人を応援し自らも行動/Little by little Even if it is only for a short time, it is better to face it than not to work on it, so we can move forward and feel that even if it is only for a short time, the quality of our work will increase, and we can positively see that even if it is only for a short time, the quality of our work will increase. If we don’t stop chasing after it, nothing will change and we won’t be able to feel that we have happiness in our hands. Support others and take action yourself

