
少しだけ優しい光が チャンスはいつどこに落ちているのか分からないものだと気付かされそれを掴むためには精一杯向き合い続けていくことと誰よりも作品を愛して厳しい目で向き合い続けていくことがどこかに繋がって できることをやっていくのと何かを掴んでいる己の歓喜している姿をイメージすることで力へと変わっていき近づいていけるから 小さな発見が大きな一歩へと/A little gentle light I was reminded that you never know when or where an opportunity will fall, and in order to seize it, you have to keep facing it as best you can, love your work more than anyone else, and keep facing it with a strict eye, because somewhere along the way, it will lead you to do what you can, and by imagining yourself rejoicing as you grasp something, it will turn into power and bring you closer. It will turn into power and bring you closer to it. A small discovery becomes a big step

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