
時には頭を空に 人の速度に合わせなきゃとわかっていながらも己の速度とのズレに対してイライラが増していくことに更にイライラしての繰り返しで小さなことにも気がいってしまう中で安定剤的な役割を 生き急いでいるのか次から次へと泡の様に出てくるやりたいことを一つでも多くカタチにしていきたいと強く思えば思うほど焦りと追い込まれ感が半端なく強く迫って 時間がいくらあっても/Sometimes you have to empty your head. I know I have to keep up with the speed of others, but I am getting more and more frustrated with the discrepancy between my speed and the speed of others, and I keep getting more and more frustrated with the discrepancy between my speed and theirs. The more strongly I want to give shape to as many of the things I want to do as possible, the more impatient and driven I feel, and the more frustrated I feel, the more I feel like I’m in a hurry. No matter how much time I have

