
自然とリンクして “やりたいこと”と“やれること”は似て非なるものでその狭間で苦痛を感じながらもそこから逃れることが簡単ではないと感じながら今はまたパワーチャージしながらアタマは回転させていく中で 楽しいことを考えていれば自然とカラダも良い方向へいくと信じてイマを生きながら明日やその先を見据えて行動を選択し後悔を少なくしていきながら道を作っていく ひと休憩も大切だと/Linking with Nature What I want to do” and “what I can do” are not the same thing, and while I feel the pain between the two, I feel that it is not easy to escape from it, and now my mind is revolving while recharging my power again. I believe that my body will naturally move in the right direction as long as I think about fun things, and while living in the moment, I will choose my actions with an eye on tomorrow and beyond, and make my way while minimizing regrets. It is important to take a break.

